Report to:

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Date of meeting:

31 August 2023


Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Commissioning East Sussex Mental Health Support Services


To agree the commissioning of Lead Provider and East Sussex Mental Health Support Services (MHSS).




The Lead Member is recommended to:

1) Agree to the commissioning of a Lead Provider who will be responsible for a range of local support known as East Sussex Mental Health Support Services (East Sussex MHSS).

2) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to take all necessary actions to give effect to the implementation of the above recommendation.


1          Background

1.1          The East Sussex Council Plan sets out a shared vision that East Sussex work with our partners to help deliver local Health and Wellbeing Strategies. This is also one of the criteria in the Integrated Care System (ICS) Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) for Sussex. Both plans promote approaches to ensure health and care organisations work more closely to improve care.

1.2          This is being achieved within mental health provision through close partnership work between Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT), East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) providers to develop models of support in local communities.

1.3          East Sussex are leading a procurement approach, selecting a Lead Provider that will become a crucial strategic partner in future service development. The Lead Provider will be responsible for a range of local support called East Sussex Mental Health Support Services (East Sussex MHSS), with an integrated budget of £3.7 Million Per annum (£25.7 Million in contract lifetime) and a contract duration of 5 years (plus 2 years).

1.4          Once a Lead Provider has been selected, they will establish working partnerships with clinical provision, within Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Emotional Wellbeing Services (EWS) to redesign and develop services as part of wider Mental Health Transformation and be part of one the most far-reaching developments in recent years.

2      Supporting information

Procurement process

2.1          A consultation was carried out within East Sussex, overseen by the Mental Health Oversight Board (MHOB). It investigated a selection of commissioning models that will strengthen the VCSE sector’s role as a system partner. It evaluated three different models, Lead Provider, Alliance and Prime Provider models as well as considered the options associated with them. The Board supported a Lead Provider as the preferred option.

2.2          If agreed by the Lead Member, an ‘Invitation to Tender’ will be issued to the market on 11 September 2023 to launch the procurement process to identify a Lead Provider. The Invitation to Tender will invite providers to apply for the Lead Provider role and set out our expectations for delivery of MHSS.

2.3           The Invitation to Tender will include a specification which details the Lead Provider role and provide supporting documents, including service outlines of the provision for which the Lead Provider will be responsible.

2.4          The applications will be evaluated based on quality, finance, partnership working and how they will deliver the services and mental health care in East Sussex. This new strategic partner will have a significant role in how new MHSS are developed and delivered.

2.5          The provisional procurement timeline and key dates for the process are as follows:

·         Market engagement event 23 August 2023;

·         Invitation to Tender (ITT) goes live 11 September 2023;

·         Deadline for submission of bids 30 October 2023;

·         Award of contract 8 January 2024, (mobilisation for 12 weeks);

·         New services launch 1 April 2024.

Lead Provider Model

2.6          The Lead Provider will engage and manage a network of mental health support (MHSS delivery) through partnerships and sub-contract arrangements. This model will also improve and simplify ongoing procurement and funding allocation. The Lead Provider’s role will support and oversee future funding opportunities and service development. It will cultivate a responsive provider marketplace aligned to specialism, skills and local requirements.

2.7          The Lead Provider will foster and nurture strong, integrated partnerships and working relationships. Improved local mental health transformation is dependent on its engagement and inclusion of mental health stakeholders (including non-clinical provision, clinical and social care professionals).

2.8          Most importantly, they will continue to develop opportunities for experts by experience, service user groups and carers to input and redesign a formal integrated mental health pathway that will support mental health delivery in the future.

Mental Health Support Services

2.9          MHSS is a range of interconnected services which will be delivered via a network of organisations led by the Lead provider. The services will be based around hubs in key locations and are listed below:

·         Wellbeing/drop-in Centres (7 centres across East Sussex locations);

·         Peer Support;

·         Complex Emotional Needs in Partnership with SPFT (“Thinking Well” service);

·         Individual Placement Support (IPS) Employment Support and Employment Advisors;

·         Community Connectors - Social Prescribing;

·         Severe Mental Illness Physical Health Check “Screen and Intervene” Co-ordinators;

·         14 X PCN Mental Health Support Coordinators (MHSC);

·         Drop-in for Hard to engage complex needs in St Leonards;

·         Service User Engagement and Involvement.

2.10        MHSS will support approximately 5,000 people per year. The services are designed to prioritise prevention and support people earlier in the mental health pathway including in GP surgeries and primary care, enabling people to access support within their local communities, to maintain good mental health and to avoid mental health crises or acute provision.

2.11       The support offered will include activities which help promote everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. These include meaningful pursuits and relationships with others, volunteering, recreational, educational, health and fitness related or vocational.

2.12       Services will also include a range of interventions to meet service users’ mental health needs including recovery planning and psychoeducation, as well as signposting for other related issues that could be impacting on their mental health and wellbeing. This could include debt and housing issues, or poor physical health due to a long-term condition.

3            Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

3.1          The approaches set out in this project supports priorities across East Sussex and its local systems. The recommendation to pursue a Lead Provider commissioning model that is responsible for the wider network of provision has been done in close consultation and development with:

·         East Sussex Alliance and wider VCSE stakeholders;  

·         People with lived experience of mental health and their carers;

·         Adult Social Care and Health;

·         Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.


3.2          The commissioning of Lead Provider and MHSS in East Sussex is the first step towards an integrated support offer for people with mental health needs in East Sussex. It will support the modernisation of mental health provision and play a key role in how services work and deliver care.

3.3          The Lead Member is therefore recommended to:

1) Agree to the commissioning of a Lead Provider who will be responsible for a range of local support known as East Sussex Mental Health Support Services (East Sussex MHSS);

2) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to take all necessary actions to give effect to the implementation of the above recommendation.





Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Contact Officer: Kenny Mackay

Tel. No: 07812574666




All Members


